The picture below is quite deceiving. You may think this area is clean and quite sanitary. And I can
promise you it is. (I would know since I'm the one who gets to
clean and disinfect it after each use.) But this picture of the diaper changing area in my classroom does not capture the
permanent stench permeating the area. And the multiple air fresheners we've tried just don't do the trick. Sad. Especially since I spend probably 1/3 of my time in this area.
Any ideas?!? And
no, the window you see does
not actually open. Not even a
little crack. That would solve my problem.
Other things worth noting in this picture... the
wonderful artwork displayed on the wall. I believe they were painting a picture of... nope, I don't remember. Also, please note the chair. This chair serves
2 purposes. #1 Its nice to sit in when changing diapers rather than having to lift them onto the table.
Yay for changing diapers with the kids
standing up! #2 My
not 'time-out', but 'relaxation chair'. In other words, when I'm trying to get through 10 diapers and potty checks, any child running around my classroom dumping all the toys, hitting their
friends, or doing something else dangerous (such as climbing on the shelves) who doesn't listen to my words reminding them what their body should be doing; they get to sit in that lovely chair.
Why is Sarah telling us such
unnecessary details about her diapering routine?!?
My #1 underwear pooper and toy throwing and cussing little angel is moving and tomorrow will be his
last day. My room will be
less smelly, more quiet, and this chair will be less frequently occupied during diaper changing. And maybe I won't pull out as much of my hair. His moving isn't something we should celebrate,
but since another child just so happens to be celebrating their birthday, I figured we'd throw a
double celebration. HOORAY!
Speaking of food, Rashida found my lunch today
entertaining. I found it
yummy. What do
you think? The Soda was a 99c splurge... the eyes on the smiley face are what remained of my PB&J sandwich and the mouth is the sliced banana I dipped in my chocolate pudding. Also note the
high fashion blue polo and khaki uniform.